
Guess who finished her rotary presentation?!

Allemagne - May 2009

May 9th and 10th

I don't know what the weather looked like in Arkansas or whereever it is youre reading this from May 9th and 10th ,but I can assure you it wasnt as good as in Germany!

(Photo:Worlds biggest cukoo clock at Wiesbauden)
May 9th Freddy,Carine,Eva, and I headed off to Germany right after attending Evas Fancy Fair.Which is a school show we might call a spring sing were all the kids dance.Eva did a little ditty to "Mamma Mia" with her class.SUPER CUTE (as Eva always is). so got in the car.We made pretty good time especially considering that we hit 30 minutes of trafic to get around a plane that had hit the road at Liége.We made it to the German hotel something called "the yellow flower" or something else silly in english.Freddy and I walked in to get the room Fred had bought online. We were at the wrong hotel.So then we drove to the good one unloaded our stuff and headed to lily's.

Lily is Freddys long lost ,but refound cousin. A couple of years ago her son ,Sunny, called Freddy to tell him he had a cousin they found eachother.Freddy and Lily are Croatian by blood and they went on vacation a while ago there.freddy had apperantly been to her house a couple of times because he knew how to get there without the GPS.Even Eva knew what gate to open to get to lilys appartement.
Lily is a fun lady.I know this and I have never even talked to her.Why not?she only speaks German. Freddy speaks a little German and Carine a little less but understood just as well.Me? NIEN!But Sunny spoke English so we got to talk and he translated while Lilly read my future in my coffee cup ! SO COOL.
(Photo: Freddy, Dog ,Lilly ,Lillys hubby)
Sunny is a cool cat too. He writes and likes sailor moon. His english accent was so adorable.Sometimes I just wanted to pinch him!

The next day we went to Wiesbauden.The city of my birth and my golly it was B-E-A-U tiful!I'm gonna go back.I have to!After a long day of walking around this town we went to the airforce base where I was born.We didnt go on base (We couldve if I wanted) but the lady at the gate told us the hospital I was born at no longer existed.All I really wanted was to like know I was in Wiesbauden y'know? and I was. COOL
So then we said goodbye to Lilly and headed home. We got home at 11 and I didnt sleep in the car and I had walked around all day so I was super tired going to school the next day was REALLY hard.

sorry about all the CAPS I did in this post.Thinking of the perfect adjectives is hard so that'll hafta do.


Mellifluous May

April 21st I moved to Farciennes to be with my 4th and final host family.Dominique and Cecilia are my parents and I have a younger host brother Thomas who is 10 and Cedric who lives across the street.
This weekend Thomas was ...communion-izfied?Yeah, okay, communionizified.So,Sunday morning we went to the church, and him and the 5 other children that were also being communizified were communionizified.They've taken classes called cathichism ( No,really, I didnt make that up ) and they sung a sung and read scriptures and took communion.
That took about like 30 minutes and then everyone went to their individual parties.thomas' party was pimp and it took an extreme amount of work from his momma all weekend. The Communion was for 30 minutes and the party after lasted until like 11 at night . Fun timesss.
Next weekend is GERMANY with Freddy Carine and Eva. Gonna go check out my roots and all that.Headed off to the motha' land.(I was born there ,dummy) So, Ill be inserting pictures and info plus tard.

Then what? The 21st and 22nd is congé from school.

                                                                                          Mandee Barrett