Allow me to catch you up so far.I'm Mandee , and I'm headed to Belgium. Don't know where it is? Actually thats not uncommon at all.Whichis kinda sad since it's an AMAZING place.Or so I have heard.

So there it is in all its tiny glory. Thats it, the dark green speck.
Why Belgium?If you were an exchange student
coming to america (
) where do you think you would
So there it is in all its tiny glory. Thats it, the dark green speck.
Why Belgium?If you were an exchange student
coming to america (
learn the most of american culture? NY, Dallas ,Chicago,LA all come to mind.They are melting pots of America.Belgium is in most peoples opinions the melting pot of ALL of Europe. I've also never heard one bad thing about Belgium.
But me getting this expierence would not be possible with out Rotary.
The world's first service club organization. It's this amazing group of people who just love helping. Which is all good with moi.