Have you ever had a blog?It's super stressful.If you want to actually be updated email me and I will out you on my newsletter list.So much easier.
Vacation is almost over!actually it is over since it is Saturday and I start school again Monday so its not vaca its just a weekend.
They say that I have gotten over the hardest part of exchange.They also say the launguage is a piece of cake after christmas.I gotta tell you all night christmas day I was thinking "Do I speak french yet?How 'bout now? and now?".
Also, I suppose I will tell you about Christmas.The traditions here are pretty similar except for christmas wake-up-ion.You spend all night eating and talking with family and at midnight you give everyone 3 bisous and say "Merry Christmas!" and then present time like usual and then talk time and then bye bye time.It was really fun and the food was yummy. I spent the wakeup-ion with the mom of my host dad Jacques and christmas lunch with the mom of my host mom Laurence.I ate stinky cheese and didnt want to hurl!I think I am acquiring the taste-does that make me european yet? Being able to say "Oh thats an acquired taste"? Hope so.
New years was bizarre.My friends Steph and Sarah who you can see on my flickr invited me to spend a quite new years just hanging out somewhere.Somehow I got taken to a bar.Sarah helped me shorten my dress to just above my kneees because Steph said I looked "sisterly" and "nunish".Then steph makeuped me.I didnt quite understand how I got in. apparently some bars let 16 year olds in but someone on the street said this one didnt.I danced with steph and sarah and a group of stephs friends and at midnight every body yelled and gave bisous.First and last night club I think though.Outside there was a huge sex store and I saw a sterotypical hooker.Not quite the place I call a good hang out but ,hey,Europe.
X-mas, New years, What else is there to know?Oh I need to know about yalls Xmas' and New Years.
Also 3 days until January 6!
January 6 is the Birthday of Phillipe and of Miiiiiike!
It is also my official one year birthday with Rotary!
On Jan 6th of 2008 I was nervously walking into two day interviews in Little Rock!
Just look at all the exclamation points!
I love birthdays!