Dont worry I wont get all hippy dippy or philantropical on you, just saying i'm happy. Is that alright With you?
Also, I got a bus pass.I really like taking the bus, but paying 40 euros a month just to get to school really got me thinking about how school really isnt worth paying that much to stand surrounded by little kids playing thier cell phne music.There's a french rap song that goes "ça fait mal, ça fait mal" 800 times and they replay it over and over.And somehow I am usually down wind from the smelly guy and a couple of inches from the guy who just put out his smelly belgian cigar.But thats just during the busy days/hours.So now everythings under control I pick the seats were no one can sit with me and I don't have to pay a but load.I got my Belgian I.D a while ago too.But, I'm wearing the same sweater! Ouch! Quelle faux-pas!
But nothing WHAM! spectacular happened just chillin'.
This morning a woman who works at the convienant store I go to a lot was all "So.. you enjoyed binche?" (reference to last post)