Kendie Kiwi, Jenna Aussi,Yours Truly
Last weekend was "le fete de doudou" ,I went in the afternoon after all the fun had ended to Mons to meet up with friends who had been there during the craziness.Including my "newie" Jenna from Australia whom I have never told yall about, but is a super cool cat and I am apparently resposible for her in some way since I am her oldie (even thought shes two years older than me..but eh.)and also Kendie who is equally awesome and wears cute dresses,and Sergio a columbian who isnt in the picture but is a super great guy.
Tuesday My good friend Halima and I spent the best day ever together. and I mean best day ever.It was beautiful out the sun was shining we saw a good movie did some good shopping (new dress from H&M - 20 euros and sandles which yall will see pictures of while I am in Praha and some belgian knic-knacks from here and there ) and just hung out. Je te KIFFE Halima! Halima wrote me a note saying that "Charleroi seemed sunnier with me" ,but I think the sunshine comes with her not me!
Today was my Last Exam . I capitalize the 'L' and the 'E' because it was almost as important as the "Last Supper".Or atleast in my mind.It was History and I gotta say for someone who DID NOT study at all I did well.Actually even compared to those who did study I did well.I didnt study because Ive been busy Belgiuming it up the past mont.
My teachers all know I have tried this yeah and more importantly I know I tried because I wanted to try to A)learn french B) Try not to be totally behind next year in class and C) If i didnt study I think my brain mightve been turned off you know...use it or lose it.After exams I went to the park with some of my girls. Next month I'll be posting a video of Steph telling an awesome dreamstory.We talked took pictures and ate frites.Perfect Belgian Day!NEXT BLOG :
I am going to Prague tommorow after a barbeque organized by my history teacher for my history class.I'll be in Prague for five days.