So just got back from Prague.How I loved that dang city.History and shopping = SCORE.I was there with kids from all over the world , Austrailia , New Zealand , South Africa , etc. all of whom were exchange students in Belgium.All of whom have touched my life.

Jenna who taught me a little about being a little more relaxed and partyish and even straightened my hair the best its ever been straighted.I love that girl she could make me laugh for ever.
Then ofcourse Karen who I had never really know before from Brazil who knew and loved Rascal Flatts and I almost like cried when she played god bless the broken road for me on her IPod.I didnt think I'd miss country music at all ! Karen was hillarious  and I am going to miss her.
Also I got to talk to Jaime from Paraguay . He and I had a lot in common exchange wise. Like his Rotary conseleur is freaking cool and named Freddy just like mine was and a lot of other concequences had happed throughout our year.It was so good to have someone to relate so closely with!
Alison was there and it is always good to see her or anyof the other girls who were at my outbound camp!I shared a room with her the last night and we ended chatting up about religion.

It was just really good to see everyone and chat with people who really have been in similar expierences.I think it was about 40 kidsish.

The trip was too short. 3 days of Prague 2 days in the bus.However annying that bus trip was it was all worth it.Have you ever been to Prague?No? You should.The buildings are all breathtaking. And also, the shopping wasnt half bad either.The food was always good and even if you end up not liking chzeck food there is KFC.There arent KFC's in Belgium.Can you imagine?

Pictures soon!

The day I got home was thomas' 12th B-day I cannot belive how old he is! I dont know who gave him premission to grow so fast!

In other news
Tonight is Marinas Birthday. I bought her something in Prague ( but I wont say what until tommorow because she reads my blog) That will be fun but also sad because its the last of the last time I have anything planned with my lunch table girls.
  • The 30th I am going to BXL with my OTHER lunch table girls ( I had two sets) to see the atonium which I have never seen.
  • Then the 1st-12th I have nothing planned.But I will fill those days up soon don't you worry.
  • Then the 13th : LONDON Yeah, I am Happy.Yeah , I am Sad.
  • Then the 28th I go Home
  • Then the 1st I have REbound camp until the 3rd
  • Then school starts the 19th.
P.S Marina , Je te kiffe, tu sais que t'es vraiment la bienvenu chez moi QUAND TU VEUX ma belle!
P.P.S Fanny,Je t'avait deja dit!Si tu veux payer le cancelation de le billet, un appartement et nouritture pour moi je le raterai!
P.P.P.S Alice , T'es trop forte.tu va me manquer beaucoup plus que je vais te manquer- c'est promis.