I am home and getting everythong together.
I start at Taco Bell today, the 15th, at 5pm
I have my Rotary Presentation the 18th
School starts August 20th
The 21st I am off to Hot Springs for a Rotary camp till the 23rd.
and thats it thats the end of this blog.
thanks, its been real.
So just got back from Prague.How I loved that dang city.History and shopping = SCORE.I was there with kids from all over the world , Austrailia , New Zealand , South Africa , etc. all of whom were exchange students in Belgium.All of whom have touched my life.
It was just really good to see everyone and chat with people who really have been in similar expierences.I think it was about 40 kidsish.
The trip was too short. 3 days of Prague 2 days in the bus.However annying that bus trip was it was all worth it.Have you ever been to Prague?No? You should.The buildings are all breathtaking. And also, the shopping wasnt half bad either.The food was always good and even if you end up not liking chzeck food there is KFC.There arent KFC's in Belgium.Can you imagine?
Pictures soon!
The day I got home was thomas' 12th B-day I cannot belive how old he is! I dont know who gave him premission to grow so fast!
In other news
Tonight is Marinas Birthday. I bought her something in Prague ( but I wont say what until tommorow because she reads my blog) That will be fun but also sad because its the last of the last time I have anything planned with my lunch table girls.
P.P.S Fanny,Je t'avait deja dit!Si tu veux payer le cancelation de le billet, un appartement et nouritture pour moi je le raterai!
P.P.P.S Alice , T'es trop forte.tu va me manquer beaucoup plus que je vais te manquer- c'est promis.
Jenna who taught me a little about being a little more relaxed and partyish and even straightened my hair the best its ever been straighted.I love that girl she could make me laugh for ever.
Then ofcourse Karen who I had never really know before from Brazil who knew and loved Rascal Flatts and I almost like cried when she played god bless the broken road for me on her IPod.I didnt think I'd miss country music at all ! Karen was hillarious and I am going to miss her.
Also I got to talk to Jaime from Paraguay . He and I had a lot in common exchange wise. Like his Rotary conseleur is freaking cool and named Freddy just like mine was and a lot of other concequences had happed throughout our year.It was so good to have someone to relate so closely with!
Alison was there and it is always good to see her or anyof the other girls who were at my outbound camp!I shared a room with her the last night and we ended chatting up about religion.
It was just really good to see everyone and chat with people who really have been in similar expierences.I think it was about 40 kidsish.
The trip was too short. 3 days of Prague 2 days in the bus.However annying that bus trip was it was all worth it.Have you ever been to Prague?No? You should.The buildings are all breathtaking. And also, the shopping wasnt half bad either.The food was always good and even if you end up not liking chzeck food there is KFC.There arent KFC's in Belgium.Can you imagine?
Pictures soon!
The day I got home was thomas' 12th B-day I cannot belive how old he is! I dont know who gave him premission to grow so fast!
In other news
Tonight is Marinas Birthday. I bought her something in Prague ( but I wont say what until tommorow because she reads my blog) That will be fun but also sad because its the last of the last time I have anything planned with my lunch table girls.
- The 30th I am going to BXL with my OTHER lunch table girls ( I had two sets) to see the atonium which I have never seen.
- Then the 1st-12th I have nothing planned.But I will fill those days up soon don't you worry.
- Then the 13th : LONDON Yeah, I am Happy.Yeah , I am Sad.
- Then the 28th I go Home
- Then the 1st I have REbound camp until the 3rd
- Then school starts the 19th.
P.P.S Fanny,Je t'avait deja dit!Si tu veux payer le cancelation de le billet, un appartement et nouritture pour moi je le raterai!
P.P.P.S Alice , T'es trop forte.tu va me manquer beaucoup plus que je vais te manquer- c'est promis.
We be jammin'
Kendie Kiwi, Jenna Aussi,Yours Truly
Last weekend was "le fete de doudou" ,I went in the afternoon after all the fun had ended to Mons to meet up with friends who had been there during the craziness.Including my "newie" Jenna from Australia whom I have never told yall about, but is a super cool cat and I am apparently resposible for her in some way since I am her oldie (even thought shes two years older than me..but eh.)and also Kendie who is equally awesome and wears cute dresses,and Sergio a columbian who isnt in the picture but is a super great guy.
I am going to Prague tommorow after a barbeque organized by my history teacher for my history class.I'll be in Prague for five days.
I Love my mom
My mom sings me a shirley classic!
Bet she didnt know my sly skype saving methode.
mom.wav - Mommy Barrett
Bet she didnt know my sly skype saving methode.
mom.wav - Mommy Barrett
Par le vitre, le paysage defile
Sitôt vu , sitôt disparu.
Le paysage défile.
Il n'y plus de temps pour le regretter. -MULPAS
To Do list
- Math exam Wednesday
- History exam Thursday
- History class party at noon Friday
- Leave for Prague at 4:30 ish p.m
- Prague until the 24th Monday
- Marinas B-day sleepover the 25th-26th
- Brussels the 30th Tuesday
- 12 days
- London the 13th Monday
- 15 days
- Go home the 28th of July
- hug everyone
- spend time with everyone
But all I can do at this moment is stress.I cant hurry up and get anything done on my list now. there is nothing I can do except soak in a tub of anwious waiting for everything to happen and be hella fun all at the same time.
Breath in. Breath out.
Mandee Barrett
Jittery June 2009
I go to Wissas July 13th and get home the 28th.HOME HOME.
Yeah, Jittery doesnt quite explain it.
Yeah, Jittery doesnt quite explain it.
I've been freaking out about taking pictures of everything since the lasts days of school are passing me by.I've been trying to stock up on my souvenirs and all that. Whats left for me in Belgique? Exams,Prague,Marinas sleepover,England.HOME.Ah!
Going to district conference tommorow.Wearing skirt.Will take pictures ; ) .
Allemagne - May 2009
May 9th and 10th
I don't know what the weather looked like in Arkansas or whereever it is youre reading this from May 9th and 10th ,but I can assure you it wasnt as good as in Germany!
May 9th Freddy,Carine,Eva, and I headed off to Germany right after attending Evas Fancy Fair.Which is a school show we might call a spring sing were all the kids dance.Eva did a little ditty to "Mamma Mia" with her class.SUPER CUTE (as Eva always is). so got in the car.We made pretty good time especially considering that we hit 30 minutes of trafic to get around a plane that had hit the road at Liége.We made it to the German hotel something called "the yellow flower" or something else silly in english.Freddy and I walked in to get the room Fred had bought online. We were at the wrong hotel.So then we drove to the good one unloaded our stuff and headed to lily's.
Lily is Freddys long lost ,but refound cousin. A couple of years ago her son ,Sunny, called Freddy to tell him he had a cousin they found eachother.Freddy and Lily are Croatian by blood and they went on vacation a while ago there.freddy had apperantly been to her house a couple of times because he knew how to get there without the GPS.Even Eva knew what gate to open to get to lilys appartement.Lily is a fun lady.I know this and I have never even talked to her.Why not?she only speaks German. Freddy speaks a little German and Carine a little less but understood just as well.Me? NIEN!But Sunny spoke English so we got to talk and he translated while Lilly read my future in my coffee cup ! SO COOL.
(Photo: Freddy, Dog ,Lilly ,Lillys hubby)
Sunny is a cool cat too. He writes and likes sailor moon. His english accent was so adorable.Sometimes I just wanted to pinch him!
The next day we went to Wiesbauden.The city of my birth and my golly it was B-E-A-U tiful!I'm gonna go back.I have to!After a long day of walking around this town we went to the airforce base where I was born.We didnt go on base (We couldve if I wanted) but the lady at the gate told us the hospital I was born at no longer existed.All I really wanted was to like know I was in Wiesbauden y'know? and I was. COOLSo then we said goodbye to Lilly and headed home. We got home at 11 and I didnt sleep in the car and I had walked around all day so I was super tired going to school the next day was REALLY hard.
sorry about all the CAPS I did in this post.Thinking of the perfect adjectives is hard so that'll hafta do.
I don't know what the weather looked like in Arkansas or whereever it is youre reading this from May 9th and 10th ,but I can assure you it wasnt as good as in Germany!
(Photo:Worlds biggest cukoo clock at Wiesbauden)
Lily is Freddys long lost ,but refound cousin. A couple of years ago her son ,Sunny, called Freddy to tell him he had a cousin they found eachother.Freddy and Lily are Croatian by blood and they went on vacation a while ago there.freddy had apperantly been to her house a couple of times because he knew how to get there without the GPS.Even Eva knew what gate to open to get to lilys appartement.
(Photo: Freddy, Dog ,Lilly ,Lillys hubby)
Sunny is a cool cat too. He writes and likes sailor moon. His english accent was so adorable.Sometimes I just wanted to pinch him!
sorry about all the CAPS I did in this post.Thinking of the perfect adjectives is hard so that'll hafta do.
Mellifluous May
This weekend Thomas was ...communion-izfied?Yeah, okay, communionizified.So,Sunday morning we went to the church, and him and the 5 other children that were also being communizified were communionizified.They've taken classes called cathichism ( No,really, I didnt make that up ) and they sung a sung and read scriptures and took communion.
That took about like 30 minutes and then everyone went to their individual parties.thomas' party was pimp and it took an extreme amount of work from his momma all weekend. The Communion was for 30 minutes and the party after lasted until like 11 at night . Fun timesss.
Next weekend is GERMANY with Freddy Carine and Eva. Gonna go check out my roots and all that.Headed off to the motha' land.(I was born there ,dummy) So, Ill be inserting pictures and info plus tard.
Then what? The 21st and 22nd is congé from school.
Mandee Barrett
J'ai fait des bonnet rwochje
Originally uploaded by mandeebarrett
April 4th started a grand adventure.I left the house with Daniel Henriet who is my rotary guy.The Henriets had been ever so nice as to invite me skiing in the south of France with them.After being told MANY times by MANY people stories of exchange students breaking bones or turing into vegetables on ski t
rips either in France or in Italy ,I was nervous.But, I am certainly not the girl to not go on an adventure just for a silly risk like bone breaking or vegitable becoming.
First off I met peter and Julie. Peter and his wife are from england and he is the authour of 'ali le zebre' which is a book privately published by him and written as a birthday present for his wife.The story is about peter, who loves football but hates the glory of it all.He doesnt follo big teams just ones who wear black and white and have good followers.He travels the world meeting new fans and making friends who include Pascale and Freddy fans of the charleroi sporting team here in Belgium whos mascot is a Zebra.On there way back from home,Peter and Julie are in the airport and a little zebra ends up catching thier heart and endsup going home with them to live in england.

So we headed out.The ski trip was with Daniels wife,dominiques, work. Here, you can plan a trip with friends family or an organization and take a 'car' just about anywhere.I,the daughter of Daniel (Gwen), and her girlfriend (Justine) , Took the bus and Daniel,Dominique and their daughter took the real car. In the 'car' there where about 40 people on the bus including young people who,littl
e did I know, would turn out to be really cool buddies for a week.
I am skill a horrible skier but I got better The pictures will speak a thousand more words than I could ever say but they also missed out on alot too.
Calvacade:Sadly,going skiing meant missing calvacade (carnival in my town) . It last a week and i missed all but the last day which was yesterday if was a super fun day.
The story is more about this too cute for words zebra coming into their home and adapting to a life outside of the airport gift shop.
Freddy is my host dad and so he had a copy of this book in which Peter has made a small dedication and even signed.I read it and really did fall in love with this little zebra fella. And was super hyped when I found out I'd get to meet Peter ,Julie and Ali the characters from the stry for real.
They tuned out to be great people in 'RL' and we hung out during calvacade which was awesome for....
Happy people
Cute kids
Nice music
and an UNEXPLAINABLE ambiance.
Calvalcade and the gilles in general are hard to explain.There is alot of folklore and culture and fun wrapped into it. If you want to know more you should buy me a cup of coffee at books a million sometime and talk about it.It needs that much of a setting to get the whole picture.
Fred alwys jokes around about how Obama is visiting europe at the moment but he is missing out on Calvacade.It really is a shame.
SO the pictures are flikrd so click here to see 'em

P.P.S not looking foward to leaving just having the dates lets me plan and be destressed.
Mandee's March Madness
This is Amelie Notomb and some of my friends.I had written a long blog about the whole day at "foire du livre" in brussels but somthing happened with blogger so it disappeared into Internet crap land.Needless to say I don't want to type it again.Just know that it was a STELLAR day.
Mons I went to mons the 20th with my history class.Its a really historicy town architechturally speaking but has some really cool super new space looking buildings in it that my hitory teacher kept making comments like " Its a question of taste!" about. I loved the old school/new school idea- and thoght that Mons was a buidiful place.There was also lots of sun that day. My history teacher gave us a tour in the morning and we pretty much had all day to shop eat and play with all the people I really like from school ( My history option class - 5éme C pour la vie ! ) This picture is me and sarah hugging the poles at the train station.
The next day I went to Waterloo with Monique ,the wife of Elie, a rotarian whose house I was staying at for the weekend.Waterloo is a monument on the-you guessed it-battlefield of Waterloo. Its steeep hill with steps up to it leading to a lion ( who is holding a globe in his paw and is apparently keeping the world in order so another battle like waterloo doesnt happpen again).When I put the 's' at the end of 'step' I meant it! There are 226 stepS leading up there.If my legs werent throbbing already read on for what I did the next day!
Durby adventures is this HUGE park of like white river rafting and rock climbing and tree hugging kind of stuff.The Rotex in Belgium planned a day there for all us inbounds.We did 4 high ropes courses, a big 'ol zipline ,and a maze. High ropes courses were super cool! I loved every minute!The zipline?In-freakin-credible! The photos of me on the zipline will soon be up on my flickr but for now my bruised knees should do you over! Pretty ROCK-n-Roll , eh? Get it? ROCK and roll? Still got it.
Today is Evas' birthday! Shes FIVE! Can't belive it. My little girls growing up so darn fast! I painted her what my mom would call a prayer box and bought her some candy and a birthday pencil.I think I'm more excited about her being five than I am.It is always hard for other people to be as hyped as I am for things.
So that folks was March Madness.Not really a whole lot of madness going on I just like alitteration.Whats in store for April? absolute awesomness and assonance! No,really, I'm heading to france the 4th of April for a week to go skiing and then I'll come home to go to carnaval with the Kovacics and after I'm moving to my fourth and final host family the Violas !
FDL et abonnement
Have you ever had a really super day and you just wanted to Blab about it , but when you got home and had someone to tell and/or got to your blogger login page you had nothing to say? I really like that.Nothing over the top humongorius happened.Just happy.
I shouldnt have said nothing good happened because good stuff is happining.Got a bus pass.headed to a big book fair thing this weekend.Its the annuel "Foire du livre de Bruxelles" and I cannot wait. I'm buying a new journal and might just permit myself a few books if I find nice prices and from the things I've heard about the festival-I will.
Also, I got a bus pass.I really like taking the bus, but paying 40 euros a month just to get to school really got me thinking about how school really isnt worth paying that much to stand surrounded by little kids playing thier cell phne music.There's a french rap song that goes "ça fait mal, ça fait mal" 800 times and they replay it over and over.And somehow I am usually down wind from the smelly guy and a couple of inches from the guy who just put out his smelly belgian cigar.But thats just during the busy days/hours.So now everythings under control I pick the seats were no one can sit with me and I don't have to pay a but load.I got my Belgian I.D a while ago too.But, I'm wearing the same sweater! Ouch! Quelle faux-pas!
But nothing WHAM! spectacular happened just chillin'.
This morning a woman who works at the convienant store I go to a lot was all "So.. you enjoyed binche?" (reference to last post)
Dont worry I wont get all hippy dippy or philantropical on you, just saying i'm happy. Is that alright With you?
Also, I got a bus pass.I really like taking the bus, but paying 40 euros a month just to get to school really got me thinking about how school really isnt worth paying that much to stand surrounded by little kids playing thier cell phne music.There's a french rap song that goes "ça fait mal, ça fait mal" 800 times and they replay it over and over.And somehow I am usually down wind from the smelly guy and a couple of inches from the guy who just put out his smelly belgian cigar.But thats just during the busy days/hours.So now everythings under control I pick the seats were no one can sit with me and I don't have to pay a but load.I got my Belgian I.D a while ago too.But, I'm wearing the same sweater! Ouch! Quelle faux-pas!
But nothing WHAM! spectacular happened just chillin'.
This morning a woman who works at the convienant store I go to a lot was all "So.. you enjoyed binche?" (reference to last post)
Carnaval 2009
Oh man.
Carnival.Binche.Amazing.Pushed infront of National Television camera.Saw my 1st gilles.Pretty spectacular day.Full video here : http://tinyurl.com/Mandeeatbinche (2nd video)
Pictures here :
Also! I've moved!Im at Freddies house now.If you are an avid reader (and I am sure you are ; ) ) You know the Kovacics already.But you well be hearing and seeing more and more soon!
I have the best friends ever
ARKANSAS:Brittany and Daily made this big project for my birthday taking pictures of people holding this sign It was great to see everybody that I havent in so long.so cute! The pictures of everyone are on flickr so you can check em out.
BELGIUM:My lunch table friends made me "take a walk to go check on something for mr surkol" / "oh I have to go pee come with me" / lets go look at the birds-they're BELGIAN!" So they could put the finishing touches on a card! Its super cute and they wrote really witty things inside AND I UNDERSTOOD!
So, yeah, Im seventeen.coolness.
BELGIUM:My lunch table friends made me "take a walk to go check on something for mr surkol" / "oh I have to go pee come with me" / lets go look at the birds-they're BELGIAN!" So they could put the finishing touches on a card! Its super cute and they wrote really witty things inside AND I UNDERSTOOD!
So, yeah, Im seventeen.coolness.
Now that you know someone cool and foreign
I reckon it's hightoime to drop some knowledge....
- Tabernack -Canadian French- (exc.)Crap! (person)Trailor trash
- Battachinkway- Italian(ish)- High five!
- Nomjdajuii-Wallon (Fr-Nom de Dieu/Name of god) exclamation,if your Mandee or another cute American you use it in every way you can.It kinda gives me wallonian street cred..
- kocham- I love- polish
- Ya rhewm -add an extra "eeee" in there and yell it out when you see a hot guy on the street.Make sure he isnt Turkish or he may understand.If you know what I mean.
American freak
New photos
click the link on the sidebar Ameriiican freak.This is just a quick post to say hi and that I am alive!I am just as bad of a blogger as I thought I would be.But I have a journal full of stories I cant wait to reread and share with Arkansans soon!
On the 17th my host Rotary club hosted a Soiree American fundraiser thing.It ended up being a lot of fun! My BFF's Freddy and Joël were there and said sweet things to me that I really needed to hear! I hung up a big ol american flag (and a little one that hid a sign that said "no playing music in this location" ) and hung out with rotarians all night.
Oh and then Joël hit me! repeatedly!No, jk.but really-he pushed me around in this game and slapped my dang hands!They were red!like lightning!Joêl also has a cute little family like Freddy-his with wants to come to Arkansas and when I said she was welcome anytime I meant it!
and Eva-
I love this little girl I need to remember to take pictures with her. She is Freddys daughter and I just love her to DEATH.Whenever I get all "omg i miss Cameron" ish I can just think about Eva. She asked Freddy If I could be her big sister! holy crap! yes I can darlin'! Ive never had a little sister! woo.I love eva.
Now im off to watch "a predre ou laisser" or french "Deal or no deal" .
click the link on the sidebar Ameriiican freak.This is just a quick post to say hi and that I am alive!I am just as bad of a blogger as I thought I would be.But I have a journal full of stories I cant wait to reread and share with Arkansans soon!
On the 17th my host Rotary club hosted a Soiree American fundraiser thing.It ended up being a lot of fun! My BFF's Freddy and Joël were there and said sweet things to me that I really needed to hear! I hung up a big ol american flag (and a little one that hid a sign that said "no playing music in this location" ) and hung out with rotarians all night.
Oh and then Joël hit me! repeatedly!No, jk.but really-he pushed me around in this game and slapped my dang hands!They were red!like lightning!Joêl also has a cute little family like Freddy-his with wants to come to Arkansas and when I said she was welcome anytime I meant it!
and Eva-
I love this little girl I need to remember to take pictures with her. She is Freddys daughter and I just love her to DEATH.Whenever I get all "omg i miss Cameron" ish I can just think about Eva. She asked Freddy If I could be her big sister! holy crap! yes I can darlin'! Ive never had a little sister! woo.I love eva.
Now im off to watch "a predre ou laisser" or french "Deal or no deal" .
Have you ever had a blog?It's super stressful.If you want to actually be updated email me and I will out you on my newsletter list.So much easier.
Vacation is almost over!actually it is over since it is Saturday and I start school again Monday so its not vaca its just a weekend.
They say that I have gotten over the hardest part of exchange.They also say the launguage is a piece of cake after christmas.I gotta tell you all night christmas day I was thinking "Do I speak french yet?How 'bout now? and now?".
Also, I suppose I will tell you about Christmas.The traditions here are pretty similar except for christmas wake-up-ion.You spend all night eating and talking with family and at midnight you give everyone 3 bisous and say "Merry Christmas!" and then present time like usual and then talk time and then bye bye time.It was really fun and the food was yummy. I spent the wakeup-ion with the mom of my host dad Jacques and christmas lunch with the mom of my host mom Laurence.I ate stinky cheese and didnt want to hurl!I think I am acquiring the taste-does that make me european yet? Being able to say "Oh thats an acquired taste"? Hope so.
New years was bizarre.My friends Steph and Sarah who you can see on my flickr invited me to spend a quite new years just hanging out somewhere.Somehow I got taken to a bar.Sarah helped me shorten my dress to just above my kneees because Steph said I looked "sisterly" and "nunish".Then steph makeuped me.I didnt quite understand how I got in. apparently some bars let 16 year olds in but someone on the street said this one didnt.I danced with steph and sarah and a group of stephs friends and at midnight every body yelled and gave bisous.First and last night club I think though.Outside there was a huge sex store and I saw a sterotypical hooker.Not quite the place I call a good hang out but ,hey,Europe.
X-mas, New years, What else is there to know?Oh I need to know about yalls Xmas' and New Years.
Also 3 days until January 6!
January 6 is the Birthday of Phillipe and of Miiiiiike!
It is also my official one year birthday with Rotary!
On Jan 6th of 2008 I was nervously walking into two day interviews in Little Rock!
Just look at all the exclamation points!
I love birthdays!
Vacation is almost over!actually it is over since it is Saturday and I start school again Monday so its not vaca its just a weekend.
They say that I have gotten over the hardest part of exchange.They also say the launguage is a piece of cake after christmas.I gotta tell you all night christmas day I was thinking "Do I speak french yet?How 'bout now? and now?".
Also, I suppose I will tell you about Christmas.The traditions here are pretty similar except for christmas wake-up-ion.You spend all night eating and talking with family and at midnight you give everyone 3 bisous and say "Merry Christmas!" and then present time like usual and then talk time and then bye bye time.It was really fun and the food was yummy. I spent the wakeup-ion with the mom of my host dad Jacques and christmas lunch with the mom of my host mom Laurence.I ate stinky cheese and didnt want to hurl!I think I am acquiring the taste-does that make me european yet? Being able to say "Oh thats an acquired taste"? Hope so.
New years was bizarre.My friends Steph and Sarah who you can see on my flickr invited me to spend a quite new years just hanging out somewhere.Somehow I got taken to a bar.Sarah helped me shorten my dress to just above my kneees because Steph said I looked "sisterly" and "nunish".Then steph makeuped me.I didnt quite understand how I got in. apparently some bars let 16 year olds in but someone on the street said this one didnt.I danced with steph and sarah and a group of stephs friends and at midnight every body yelled and gave bisous.First and last night club I think though.Outside there was a huge sex store and I saw a sterotypical hooker.Not quite the place I call a good hang out but ,hey,Europe.
X-mas, New years, What else is there to know?Oh I need to know about yalls Xmas' and New Years.
Also 3 days until January 6!
January 6 is the Birthday of Phillipe and of Miiiiiike!
It is also my official one year birthday with Rotary!
On Jan 6th of 2008 I was nervously walking into two day interviews in Little Rock!
Just look at all the exclamation points!
I love birthdays!
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